International Scientific Educational Forum
“Human, Family and Society: History and Prospects for Development”
November 26 - 28, 2012, Krasnoyarsk, KSPU named after V.P. Astafiev
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Round table discussion “Psycoacmeological problems and prospects of work with children and youth”

Round table discussion

“Psycoacmeological problems and prospects of work with children and youth”

November 28, 2012.


Objectives of the round table: problems discussion and determination of the main strategic ways of the work with children and youth in Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk region.


Topics for  discussion:

1. Development of a creative personality.

2. Development of a civic position and responsibility of youth.

3. Professional self-determination of children and the youth.

4. Business projecting in a multicultural space is a condition for personality and professional self-realization.

5. International cooperation  program in  professional self-realization.


Timing of the round table’s work:

11:30 - 12:00 Registration of participants (Krasnoyarsk, 20, Vzletnaya St., Assembly  Hall)

12:00 - 14:30 Round table discussion

14:30 - 15:00 Coffee-break


Main reporters:

  1. NatayaTihonova Selezneva, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of  Management Psychology
  2. NadezhdaYakovlevna Mayer Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor at the Chair of  Management Psychology
  3. Galina Semenovna Pyankova , Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor at the Chair of  Management Psychology
  4. Anna Anatolyevna Dyachuk, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor at the Chair of  Management Psychology
  5. Tatyana Yuryevna Todysheva, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor at the Chair of Management Psychology
  6. Svetlana Viktorovna Marchenko, master's degree program student
  7. Anna AleksandrovnaPyankova, master's degree program student
  8. Anna VladimirovnaTaranenko, master's degree program student


Headmasters, heads of IPEs (Institutions of preschool education), deans, and institute directors are invited to participate in the round table discussion.



2012. Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university named after V.P. Astafiev.
Development KSPU :: Skotnikov Leonid